Monday, November 26, 2007

My first post - here is why

I miss blogging. My original blog is down due to reason I will not discuss on this blog, but most of you know why.

So this blog is going to be about my other life. The one with the kids. This is really the most important part of my life. I never really blog about it because I used blogging as a way to get out the confusing part of my life. I am not confused about my life with the kids.

But as I get stressed and things in my life get hectic I will distance myself from those around me. Especially family and friends. So if you want to know what I have been up to here is peek into the life I have with my kids.
Title - The title of this blog is what I usually tell the kids when they ask for something to drink. Kylea has told me on several occasions that when she gets her own place to live she is only going to offer me milk or water to drink while she is drinking soda or tea. LOL - And that is one reason why I call them the damn kids.


brownie said...

This blog sucks!

BRAE said...

Maybe, but you were the first one to read it. LOL

grannygrunt said...

I think this is wonderful for a mother to spend time with her kids, unlike some parents that just shut them up with stuff. If you think a mother talking about how she is living and loving her kids "sucks" go to a different blog that talks about something you think is more important.

Shawn said...

Your blog is AMAZING.. I am addicted to it.

Uncle Greg said...

Who the hell is Grannygrunt???

BRAE said...

Who are you Shawn?