Thursday, September 17, 2009

For the first time ever, a tie!

Kylea and another girl both tied for the win of the new school design. So the school decided to combine the two images since they were of similar style. We are all very excited about it.
Guess I am going to have to follow through on my deal with her. If she gets good a drawing and writing her letters I would get her spray pant and take her to places where she can graffiti. Anyone know of any places where it is legal to spray paint?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Open house tonight

But for two kids in the same school. Natalea for Kinder and Devin for 3rd grade.

I sent emails out to both teachers to try to figure out how it will work tonight. Shawn has to work so it will just be me. And I refuse to let Natalea's mom take her to her class without me.

So no matter what, things will be interesting tonight. Wish me luck.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kylea in the finals!

All the kids in art class for Kylea's middle school were asked to submit a design for the schools new shirts. Right before Kylea switched out of Art class she submitted her design.

She drew it out and then had Shawn put it in photoshop so he could email it over to her teacher. The school is now down to 10 submissions and Kylea's is one of them!!!

I will update everyone once I here the results, but win or not it is still way cool to make it in the finals.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Kirsten is leaving

She decided to move back in with her mom. I am not happy about it but there is nothing I can do about it.

We still have her birthday trip to six flags planned for the 19th so that will be good. Not sure what is going to happen after that. Kylea is very upset about the whole situation. But then again she is not the best with change.

She is already missing school but it is not up to her mom to make sure she goes. And with only 2 years left of high school she should be able to see her through it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

School has started

The mornings are crazy around my house. I can't get to work on time and it is annoying. I hope by the end of this month to have things in routine again.

I think Kirsten is moving back in with her mom. At least that is what she said, but she has not come by to get her things yet. Not to mention one week with her mom and she has already missed 3 classes on 2 different days. But what can I do except nothing.

I hope to have some pictures up from the all girls tubing trip soon.